Dongguan City Changan Jinyang Machinery Accessories Trade - Guangzhou, China

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Dongguan City Changan Jinyang Machinery Accessories Trade
Chang'an, Shilong, Zhangmutou, 523840, Guangzhou, China
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Company description
Taiwan Jinyang enterprise is a professional production and sales of molds metal accessories, machinery and hardware accessories and other products of the diversified company. Products are mainly serving the mold manufacturing, electronics, industrial plastic products and other industries. In Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places have a good recognition, to win customers alike. The company has advanced processing equipment, scientific testing methods and high-quality staff. The main products include: Mold Accessories guide pillar, guide sleeve, the Secretary cylinders, thimble, jack Tsui, Silver and Bronze branch, die springs, nitrogen gas springs, spring ball, screw plug play, The rings, screws and other hardware nearly a hundred kinds of mold parts, cutting tools category SKL,  
Show more STK, QCT, SGS, STQ licensing all kinds of milling, ball-end cutters, rough skin knife, purple knife, drill Tsui, Cutters, CNC tool grinding abrasive Class 1 product series, grinding machine, sandpaper grinding wheel, wool felt, national brand-name FILE, fibers oilstone, will treasure Whetstone, Japan Machine Tool Accessories Taiwan red sand paper milling machine, grinding machine accessories, batch disabilities, code module folder, Dresser, disk, sub - dial, injection molding machine Accessories types of Industrial Electrical, heating ring, heating pipes, insulation parts, Pneumatic components, hydraulic motors, relays, thermostats, circuit breakers, Jinyang idea: In the Jinyang history, we have always maintained with our customers long-term cooperative relationship. We have more than ten years of continuous service to customers over the past few years, we have expanded even more new partnership. Customers choose us because they understand our beliefs, they know that we are worthy of trust, can rely on partners. Honest and trustworthy, is our consistent internal quality. Therefore, in our client relationships in Jinyang, You can easily find the following these same principles: the principle of fairness, the strict standards to the customers would like to focus the solution itself, depending on the issues expressed confidence in their chances of success set a target to strive and achieve our goals reject mediocrity trust other people, identity contributions to never give up We are convinced that the success of these guidelines is to establish cooperative relations. Over the years, and we built many long-lasting partnerships; the future, we will also serve to build more new partnerships.


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