Weihai Xinzhou Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. Production - China

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Weihai Xinzhou Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. Production
No. 158 Cultural West Road Weihai City264209, China
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Operating items (products): foam cement equipment and mortar machines. Company Profile: South Korea's technology, the introduction of our company specialized in the production of cement foam equipment and mortar machines, while sales of heating the construction to accessory products .. Our company is located in Weihai High-Tech Zone, the company production and sales of new cement foam machine, cement mortar machines, foam materials such as cement, construction machinery, the recent research produced by third-generation cement foam machine to fill the domestic blank, for the most advanced construction operations to automated, from feeding, water, bubble making, mixed foam, high-pressure transport as a whole, Produce large amounts of additional cement foam, Kak Yam products, such as various  
Show more specifications of cement foam board, foam cement, brick, buildings, floors, roofs. The use of foam materials can be from the roof insulation, heat insulation effect. Insulation, heat insulation effect is 20-30 times more common materials, so as to maintain the indoor temperature and other floor attic room temperature basically the same, cool, using foam roofing cement the works also has a good anti-permeability effect by adding an appropriate amount of After the water has a strong additive effect, and can replace other roofing waterproof material to address the persistent problem of water leakageIt is highly efficient insulation, heat insulation, waterproofing materials, low cost, simple process. Can be used for walls, water pipes, heating pipelines, oil pipelines and other piping insulation, moisture, corrosion. Can also be used for water supply, water pipes freezing, corrosion, and effectively extend the life of pipelines. Also applies to fill internal voids in mine tunnels, low temperature cold storage and cold storage insulation.


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