Fu-Yun NARI Lubrication Technology Co. Ltd. - China
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Fu-Yun NARI Lubrication Technology Co. Ltd.
Yunnan Province650216, China
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Contact Person Ruifu
Company description
Fu-Yun NARI Lubrication Technology Co., Ltd. Main: BP hydraulic oil, gear oil, rail oil, anti-embroidered agent, frozen oil, heat treatment oil, compressor oil, turbine oil, circulating oil, grease, heat-conducting oil, vacuum pump oil soluble. Castrol oil and water-soluble cutting fluid, processing fluids, industrial cleaning agents, and so on. Concurrently: All kinds of lubrication equipment, lubrication services, training, Fu-Yun NARI Technology Co., Ltd. is a British oil lubrication BP lubricants authorized dealer in Yunnan. The company's good faith for all types of industrial customers to provide all the relevant pre-sales service and lubrication, with BP and Our many years of service at home and abroad customer's successful experience in various industries, I believe that your
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company provided by the Division of BP with my products and lubricants related technical services, will benefit from it. Our addition to providing quality products, but also provide comprehensive technical services, This is Division I, unlike other important point lubricant suppliers. Sales & Service proposal highlights: BP lubricants recommendation and introduction, technical service proposals, recommendations and improve the lubrication system and other major elements. BP Lubricants Technical Services Program: BP's commitment to customers is to provide high-tech products, while providing unique engineering and technical services to meet customer demand. I Division, as the BP oil company's authorized dealer service while adhering to this feature, but also to provide effective business services. 1. Pre-sale services: lubricant recommended and used to guide 2. After-sale service 1. Lubricants Recommended FormEquipment using the oil annotation 2. The system flushing services 3. Oil Analysis Services 4. Technical Seminar 5. Engineers and operations staff on a regular basis to visit 6. Gear, circulatory system inspection 7. Regular service review and planning 8. Lubrication System Recommendation Please Contact me for further talks with the Secretary in order to discuss in detail the various services of the details of the BP Lubricants. Our hope and your company to establish long-term relationship, and your company to provide quality products and first-class service. We believe that your company adopt my full lubrication management provided by the Division after theWill be a long-term protection of your company safe and reliable operation, while effectively reducing equipment operating costs, improve equipment operating rate, in order to increase the effectiveness of your company. At the same time hope that through our products and services offered by the development of your company to make our contribution. Fu-Yun NARI Lubrication Technology Co., Ltd.Listed in categories
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