Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Long Shuo - China
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Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Long Shuo
Guangzhou Tianhe Building, 1212 Yan Qiao 510000, China
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Contact Person Xu-sheng
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Company description
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Long Shuo Introduction Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Long Shuo is a long-term industrial electrical automation and control technology industrial enterprises, set R & D design, engineering, sales and repair and maintenance as a whole. Dedicated to water supply controller, inverter, PLC, man-machine interface, frequency energy, water pumps and machinery in technological development and application of advanced electrical and mechanical summary automation, Specializing in urban, residential types of water supply engineering. Products used in various types of water plants and the second switch pressure, urban and rural domestic water supply, high-rise buildings, businesses, offices and schools, hotels, hot
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and cold, air-conditioning water supply, boiler constant pressure water supply, automatic garden water supply, oil depots Automation equipment, frequency conversion water supply, sewage control cabinet, fire fighting water supply. Main products are: frequency constant pressure water supply controller, inverter cabinet, pump control cabinet, fire pumps, fire control cabinet, frequency non-negative-pressure water supply equipment, liquid level controller, Domestic water supply automation of complete sets of equipment, water supply facilities, drainage facilities, water treatment equipment. Water treatment and water supply equipment and provide frequency conversion constant pressure water supply equipment, pneumatic auxiliary water supply equipment, non-negative-pressure water supply equipment, fire fighting equipment, pressure water, sewerage and treatment facilities, and long-term by providing product support services and water supply equipment is widely used in all types of building water supply, pressure pumping station, water and other areas of automation, but also provides water treatment systems. Professional production: Series inverter constant pressure water supply controller, frequency conversion constant pressure control cabinet, multi-pump control cabinet, fire pump control cabinet, sewage pumps and other types of frequency conversion control cabinet complete control cabinet. Automation project design and transformation, the product involved in high-rise building water supply, textile printing and dyeing, plastics, oil, petrochemicals, steel, cement, machinery, central air conditioning and other areas of. Professional repair of all brands inverter, water control, all kinds of pumps, control cabinet, to hold pump Maintenance, industrial and mining enterprises frequency converter on a regular basis (for years) and maintenance repair operations. Pump one-stop service - pump nanny . Water Pump nanny Introduction: the introduction of pump nanny services designed to provide a from the "anti" to "governance" of the all-round, three-dimensional style, intimate-service. There are problems to deal with the "governance" as a preventive measure, to remedy the situation, it is not too late; no problem, Department of the "defense" against possible trouble. As long as one of your phone, we can do on-site service. Maintenance of professional maintenance personnel from the pump house for your inspection, testing to maintenance of all the work. Experience in technology application, and after-sales service, A broad customer base will be the Long-shuo Electrical ahead of other colleagues to the drainage a prerequisite for manufacturers, for all electrical and mechanical dragon Shuo colleagues will always persist in using the action and pay to the interpretation of their products and services to showcase their innovation and strength. Focused on the introduction: Mitsui frequency constant pressure water supply controllerListed in categories
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