Real Investment Co. Ltd. Jiangsu - China

Company name
Real Investment Co. Ltd. Jiangsu
210029, Jiangsu, China
Contact number
Contact Person
Ding Xiang-nan
Company description
As the first focusing on services to small and medium enterprises in Jiangsu as the fundamental purpose of the development of the pragmatic nature of the investment and financing platform, will rely on a huge financial resources and the great advantage of high-quality project resources, combined with the professional investment and financing services, and actively promote the full realization of the investment and financing both sides successfully docked create more opportunities and conditions for making full use of Jiangsu Province for many years formed an excellent investment resources, and actively promote business projects with the optimal allocation of financial capital, and Jiangsu Investment Promotion Center, Jiangsu Province Investment Network Development Co., Ltd. as a  
Show more professional investment promotion agencies, Has a number of large enterprise groups at home and abroad, listed companies, financial risks and investment company has established good cooperative relations closer to attract the cooperation of up to nearly 10 billion fund, focused on solving business projects for joint venture difficult problem, for small and medium enterprises in Jiangsu industrial upgrading and overall development has brought rare good opportunity. In accordance with national economic development strategy, industrial policy and regional economic development requirements, with emphasis on China's regional economic priorities and special industries, agriculture, industry and new rural construction projects financial investment services. Intention of the project investment and financing, operability of the project: (1) more than the provincial Development and Reform Commission approved the project feasibility study report of the project documents and receipt of documents, (a separate municipal Development and Reform Commission approved the project can be). (2) project feasibility study report. (3) The project party's basic information, business license (must be annual evaluation is completed), corporate code certificate, tax land tax registration certificate, legal person ID card. Corporate investment and financing: 1, Turnkey (TURNKEY), BOT. 2, cooperation, joint ventures, venture capital. 3, equity, holdings, acquisitions, public, 4, debt financing, the main business products: industrial integration, project packaging, project investment, equity financing, market counseling. Value-added services: We rely on the Committee of Experts expert resources to conduct series of value-added services to enterprises: National project application guidance, expert technical docking, business counselor services, product markets docking, quality and safety certification docking, docking organic certification, international organic certification docking, branding docking and so on. Our goal is: To the rapid development of enterprises in Jiangsu and neighboring waves. China's SMEs in the region's most trusted professional investment companies. Jiangsu is committed to provide investors with real money and professional value-added services. There are financial needs for the public organizations or individuals to build the most extensive short-term financing of capital projects and cooperation platform for investors in the establishment of real financial prospects of the existing situation has brought new hope. In fact the company for the expansion of financial markets, people have idle funds, small and medium investors to quickly find a safe and reliable high-quality project to build the cooperation of specialized channels. Real investment in Jiangsu Province, cities and counties across their business network, large-scale team of professionals, Unique business mission, and weak financial market, set off a strong value-added financial crisis.


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