Liquid wallpaper company in Shenyang - China

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Liquid wallpaper company in Shenyang
Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning small SHEN Street, No. 8 110000, China
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Company description
Liquid wallpaper is wallpaper as a decorative effect, like paint, the product has long been popular in Europe and the United States for many years, become a home, works the best decoration materials. In recent years, wallpaper and paint products were first popular in the country, loved by many consumers has become the latest wall decoration products, is a new art of decorative coatings. Through proprietary molds, resulting in the wall made of various styles of design. The products are mainly derived from natural shellfish bio-shell surface, adhesives also use non-toxic, harmless organic colloid is truly natural, environmentally friendly products. Wallpaper latex paint not only overcome the single color, no layering and wallpaper easily change color, Alice side, blistering, there are  
Show more seams, short life of the shortcomings, but also works easily with latex paint, long life advantages and wallpaper designs beautiful, decorative effect a good feature, is a latex paint and wallpaper the advantages of a high-tech products. Use of this product will be able to maintain a one-time construction of more than fifteen years of various styles, such as silk like silk superior results, product printing, rolling flower, luminous, chameleons, relief five product lines, hundreds of kinds of patterns for customers to choose. Its unique decorative effect and excellent physical and chemical properties of any paint and wallpaper can not be reached. 1, a good gloss using the latest High-Tech and unique materials to make patterns not only the uniform colors, pattern perfectly, and very shiny. Whether in natural light, or in the lighting can show its remarkable and decorative effect, which is competing product can match. 2, the construction simple and fast newly developed mold and construction methods, construction products, faster, better and more economical materials,. Especially the original construction method for printing 3, product line and complete products printing, rolling flower, luminous, diatom clay, relief five product lines, thousands of designs and special primer for customers to choose colors is not only There monochrome series, color series, as well as multi-color series. To the greatest extent, to meet different customer needs. Companies have several technical staff responsible for new product development. Therefore, products constantly upgrading, continues to introduce new varieties can take to ensure that our products in the market front. 4, high concentrations ofThe construction area is large "Wallpaper higher concentrations of paint. 5, the product will feature the new replacement of the printed pattern paint wallpaper effect lifelike, unique on the market. In addition, also There Knurling series, luminous series, Chameleon series and relief series.'s unique series of rolling flower patterns not only more beautiful, high quality, and the construction of faster and die without loss,


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