Zhongshan double-pass conveyor machinery limited company - China
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Zhongshan double-pass conveyor machinery limited company
Eastern District, Zhongshan City Industrial Zone, Pak Sha Wan, China
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Ze-Hua LiaoCompany description
Company Profile: The company is a long history, specializing in the production, design, research and development, sales and distribution transport, spraying, and high-temperature equipment, I Secretary, after years of hard work, and constantly improve their technology and production and processing equipment, has accumulated a wealth of production experience, now has a solid design, manufacturing capabilities, to become the most representative of the Pearl River Delta equipment suppliers. Double-pass design and manufacture of automatic logistics equipment, powder (liquid) body painting equipment is widely used in color TV, monitor, stereo, refrigerator, air conditioning, automobiles, motorcycles, washing machines, copiers, printers, fax machines and other household, office electrical
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appliances production and processing, and can complete the airport, railway stations, food, plastics, hardware, lighting, footwear and other trade goods transport. All due to your technical support, we have today, so double-pass value and every time services, the spirit of "quality first, service first" purpose of, Double-pass will provide the best engineering design strength, the most advanced manufacturing techniques, the most comprehensive sales and after-sales service to meet you new and old customers. The company's products have good quality, style novel, over the years won at home and abroad customers love and trust.Listed in categories
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