Laiyang Luhua Luzhou peanut oil Limited - China

Company name
Laiyang Luhua Luzhou peanut oil Limited
Laiyang City Jiang Baijiatuan Industrial Zone 265222, China
Company description
The company in 1993 with the Hong Kong Bank International Limited, a joint venture chia the company is the nations largest manufacturer of advanced professional Luzhou peanut oil factory, formerly Laiyang Lu spent vegetable oil plant, built in 1986, 1993 and the Hong Kong International Bank Limited joint venture companies in the industry made the first international standard ISO-9002 certification, the production of 20,000 tons. Shandong Shangjianju released information: The Luhua brand peanut oil both in color, transparency, smell, taste and inherent quality and are approaching World famous brand products over the years won the test indicators .1998 Shandong Famous Trademark the honorary title of 1997 at the Third China Agricultural Expo, the Ministry of Agriculture was awarded the  
Show more national brand products made in 1997, the National 28 a mutual recognition of the quality supervision and collaboration products Town ; 1995 commentary by brand-name products in Shandong Province; 1995 won the fifth (Macao) International gifted new technology and products exhibition Gold; 1995 third of Chinas township enterprises in the export display won at the Outstanding Product Award in 1995 at the Second China Agricultural Fair won the gold medal. products Shandong Province health food products recommended by the oversight, the city of Qingdao and Technical Supervision recommended products, Jinan City Technical Supervision recommended products. Yantai City product quality testing products by the producer, Yantai City consumer trust products. successively exports from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. annual sales of 300 million yuan. product sells more than 20 provinces, cities and Autonomous regions, exported to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, more than 10 countries and regions.
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