Shanxi Guangji Chinese Diabetes Prevention Institute; Shanxi Institute of Diabetes-Economy - China
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Shanxi Guangji Chinese Diabetes Prevention Institute; Shanxi Institute of Diabetes-Economy
Taiyuan, Shanxi, Tunhua South Road, 176 30013, China
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Company description
Primarily engaged in the problems of Chinese medicine miscellaneous disease and diabetes research and prevention and treatment of drug research and production of health food products. Developed for the treatment of diabetic series of , fat side Consumers 901, 902 and the Dover-longevity (Rehabilitation ). After the 10,000 cases of clinical treatment, and the total efficiency of 96.4/100, significant efficiency 67.4/100, 90 through the provincial identification, it was agreed that the advanced level of domestic, international and domestic retrieval is the worlds first on this basis, through a large amount of treatment and theoretical research to improve the efficiency 98/100, western medicine approved Jin-word (96), 0044, capsules, global marketing, who is diabetic string comprehensive
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treatment best medicine. Shanxi Province were 93 second prize in science and technology progress . way for the therapy to show the source of the permanent mainly, once and for all, has achieved two breakthroughs: 1. exceeded dependent diabetic patients must rely on life-sustaining conventional insulin therapy, 2. breakthrough in the non-dependent diabetes rely on the long-term drop temporary control of the drug therapy, has been completed in Shanxi Institute of Diabetes Guang-Ji Ji-Fuyuan Shanxi hospital patients received both at home and abroad, where comprehensive treatment available through mail order drug to be letter-zhen.Listed in categories
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