Company name
Dingshu Town, Yixing, China (Mainland) Zip: 214222, Jiangsu
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Contact Person Ms. Qinxian Cui
Establishment year 37614
Company description
Founded in 2002, Yixing Morgan Thermal Ceramics Co., Ltd. (YMTC) has grown into one of the leading suppliers of insulating materials. We provide professional services for the iron and steel, chemical processing, ceramics, power, glass, and alumina industries. The core business sectors are insulating firebricks, refractory mortars, insulating castable and engineer works. As an innovative company, YMTC is devoted into the technology development and the quality control. Absorbing the 160 years' special experience and advanced technology from Morgan Thermal Ceramics Group, we have established high efficient IFB manufacturing process. At the same time, through cooperation with the China Architecture Material Academy and other institutes, we are continuously developing new technology and  
Show more products. Now, we have an independent R&D center. Yixing Taodu High Temp Refractory Material Plant was founded in 1999, which is the former of YMTC. In 2000, we built the 65 meters tunnel kiln. We also built five high temperature shuttle kilns in 2002. YMTC was founded when Yixing Taodu made the joint venture with Morgan Crucible PLC. In 2004, we built the new plant in Taodu industrial zone and also began to operate the second tunnel kiln of 88 meters. The annual output of this year is 8,000 metric tons. In 2005, the third tunnel kiln which is 88 meters began to operate. The yearly output is 12,000 metric tons. Everyday, YMTC delivers high quality products to various countries and regions such as America, Europe, South America, and Asia Pacific areas. Our mission is "To be the leading global company which can provide a full range of products for engineered heat management solutions". We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries in the near future. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in any of our products.


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