Company name
Wanping Town, Suzhou, China (Mainland) Zip: 215223, Jiangsu
Contact number
Contact Person
Pan Guoming
Establishment year
Company description
We are a company that specializes in the manufacture of industrial sewing machines. In 1994 we established reorganized the company according to the principles of a typical enterprise. A later change occurred in 1998 when we became a joint-stock company. What was most successful about this change was that at the same time we introduced the Baojia brand of industrial sewing machines. This brand has now become a byword for quality among buyers in the industry. All our products are professionally manufactured using the latest equipment, for instance a horizontal processing center in addition to the most advanced painting line, a line we have imported from Japan. Besides having at our disposal a powerful technological base, the company spirit is one that places the customer first, which in  
Show more turn puts a high premium on quality, as we know that this is the only thing that will give our customers satisfaction. Concerning quality, we always endeavor to give our best, which means we try our utmost to serve our customers equitably. In the year 2000, the company was awarded with the certificate for ISO9002 Quality System. Presently, the company is in a very strong position as regards production. We can produce more than 30 kinds of industrial sewing machine. They are of a high quality, reasonable price and the service that accompanies them is excellent. Sixty percent of our goods are sent overseas, being rather popular in markets such as Europe, South America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In order to serve the garment industry better, we have developed several series of sewing machine. They include: 1) High speed sewing machines 2) Twin needle sewing machines 3) Sewing machines for specific garments, leather clothes, leather goods and shoes Compared with other importers of sewing machines, our machines are equal in quality but have the advantage of being only 70% of the average price. The satisfaction of the customer for both quality and price is our lasting and final goal. Based on our sincerity, creativity, desire for improvement and endeavor, we are confident that we can make the best products that will always keep you satisfied. With your cooperation we can reach new heights together. We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible.


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