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01, 2nd Bldg. Of Jinliuyuan, Jinxi Garden, Northern Huashan Rd., Shantou, Guangdong Prov., P. R. China., Shantou, China (Mainland)
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DVD case, CD case, PP DVD case, CD jewel case, auto pack DVD case, single DVD case, standard DVD case, chinese manufacturer--sunlit paper&plastic products(china)Co.,limited is a professional manufacturer of media packaging&storage products. With more than 13 years of the experience in making diversified media packing like DVD case&CD case, we have been marketing our products over many countries in Asia, north America, Europe and Oceania etc. And receiving satisfied response from our customers there.Main products:1. DVD case series:Auto-pack DVD case, also named automated DVD case or machineable DVD case, single capacity in 14.7mms thick which can run through DVD packaging machines branded like heino ilsemann, gima, kyoto, etc.Multiple DVD case includes 1+1+clip DVD case,1+2+clip DVD
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case(triple DVD case), quadruple DVD case, quintuple DVD case, sextuple DVD case, septuple DVD case, octuple DVD case, nonuple DVD case, decuple DVD case.1+1+clip DVD case,1+2+clip DVD case(triple DVD case), quadruple DVD case are in 14mms thick, quintuple DVD case, sextuple DVD case, septuple DVD case, octuple DVD case in 27mms thick, and nonuple DVD case, decuple DVD case in 33mms thick.Standard DVD case in 14mms thick which to be a quite common item of DVD case. Standard DVD case consists of single DVD case and double DVD case, which have various colors of black DVD case, clear DVD case, super clear DVD case and solid multi-color DVD case. All DVD cases weigh around 70gs.Slimline DVD case includes 7mms single DVD case,7mms double DVD case,9mms single DVD case and 9mms double DVD case.7mm DVD case also called ultraslim DVD case. All DVD case weigh around 65gs. We can cater to the various colors according to the customer's requirements.Mini DVD case also can be treated as CD case, which to be an economical item due to its occupying less container space so as to save much of freight.Listed in categories
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