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No800 Boashan Road Shanghai China, Shanghai, China (Mainland)
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Our company is a producer of plastic pipe systems for PVC upvc PPR pipeOur company mainly a manufacture at plastic pipe field. Our main products include PP-R pipe fitting, upvc pipe fitting and PVC pipe system. Our company have upto date producing line. We create our model system fully according to international standard DIN 8077/8078, ISO 9001 has been applied in the whole producing process, for insure the quality.We belive our products can reach our customer's highly demand. For PPR pipe system, we use EURO raw marerial, such as that's Borealis AB RA130E, DSM polyolefine Gmbh Vestolen P9421.Our products has tested by Bodycott lab for 8760 hour test, we also use first rate raw marterial for producing UPVC Pipe System.Farcross. U-PVC pipe is an unplasticized PVC pipe without plasticizers,  
Show more produced by extrusion techniques in a closed system with a continuous process.Major Advantages of using farcross PVC Piping System.Easy InstallationFarcross U-PVC pipes are light in weight(approximatelyone-half the weight of aluminum and one-sixth the weight of steel). They have smooth, seamless interior walls. No special tools are required for cutting. They can be installed using solvent cementing, threading, flanging and roll-grooved joining techniques.Chemical Resistance U-PVC pipes are insert to attack by strong acids, alkalies, salt solutions, alcohols, and many other chemicals. They are dependable in corrosive applications and impart no tastes or odors to materials carried in them. They do not react with the material carried in them. They do not react with materials carried, nor act as a catalyst. All possibilities of contamination, or chemical process changes, and all danger of clouding sludgging, or discoloration are eliminated. Chemicals Resistance Chart)StrengthFARCROSS U-PVC pipes are highly resilient, tough and durable products that have high tensile and high impact strength. They will withstand surprisingly high pressure for long periods.Fire ResistanceFARCROSS U-PVC products are self extinguish and will not support combustion.Internal Corrosion ResistanceFARCROSS U-PVCpipes resist chemical attack by most acids, alkalies, salts, and organic media such as alcohols and aliphatic hydrocarbons, with certain limits of temperature and pressure. They provide the needed chemical resistance, while eliminating the disadvantages of special metals, lined piping, glasses, wood ceramics, or other special corrosion-resisting materials, which formerly had to be used.External Corrosion ResistanceIndustrial fumes, humidity, salt water, weather atmosphere, or underground conditions regardless of type of soil or moisture encountered, cannot harm FARCROSS U-PVC plastic pipe. Scratches or surface abrasions do not provide points which corrosive elements can attack.Immunity to Galvanic or Electrolytic AttackFARCROSS U-PVCpipes are inherently immune to galvanic or electrolytic action. They can be used underground, underwater, in the presence of metals, and can be connected to other materials, or used as an insulator between them.Freedom from Toxicity, Odors, TastesFarcross U-PVC piping systems are nontoxic, odorless, and tasteless. Our test fully according the National Sanitation Foundation(NSF)for use with potable water in U. S. A and worldwide. Iso15874 etc.Corrosion FreeWith many other pipe materials, slight corrosion may occur. The corroded particles can contaminate the piped fluid complicating further processing, or causing bad taste, odors, or discoloration. This is particularly undesirable when the piped fluid is for domestic consumption. With U-PVC, there are no corrosive by-products, therefore, no contamination of the piped fluid.


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