DOSIC IMPORT & EXPORT CO. LTD. - Liaoning, China

Company name
161 Zhongshan Road, Xigang, Dalian, China (Mainland) Zip: 116011, Liaoning
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. Fengning Bai
Establishment year 31285
Company description
Our company is an independent supplier of essential oils, with our products divided into two major groups - vegetable oils and herbal extracts. We were established in the autumn of 1985 by the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), which is recognized as the top research institute in China. We were the first company to export Chinese-origin Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) into the international market in 1987. EPO business has since accounted for over 50% of our total business over the past 15 years, with our in-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and unrivaled professional experience making us the lead EPO exporter in China. Due to the increasing demand for EPO, we have successfully accomplished structural reform, from originally only being a trader, to becoming an integrated  
Show more cultivator, manufacturer and exporter. By the end of 2000, we had set up a pressing plant in Yushu City, which is the cultivation center for superior EPO breeds. The best quality seeds are selected and pressed locally, ensuring sufficient supply and saving large transportation costs. In November 2000, we increased investment in our refining factory to 60%. It is a brand-new plant, equipped with internationally advanced facilities. The factory operates according to ISO9000 standards, and the manager is a medicinal mechanical engineer with over 15 years experience in EPO refining. Product safety and quality are very important to us. Thorough monitoring is performed at all stages of the production process, with final QC analysis confirming all products meet their specifications before shipping. Our cooperative partner, the Dalian Institute of Chemical & Physics (DICP), is regarded as the Chemical Analytical Center in China, especially famous for chromagraphy analysis both in HPLC and GC. Also, we have invited Professor Zhang Lefeng from the DICP, who has over 30 years experience in the chemical assay field, to act as our consultant for R&D and QC. Our vision is to become the leading global professional EPO supplier. As a customer-oriented service company, we have succeeded in developing an international market, and in 2000 our total sales reached 450MT. Our strategic intent is to create value for our customers and bring competitive advantage to their activities. Regarding our customer success as our success, we work together with them to ensure continued growth. We look forward to cooperating with your company, and letting you experience our high level of service, from initial inquiries through to after-sales service. Please contact us if you have any questions or orders for our products.
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