Company name
Beside Of 145 North Gaobu Road, Gaobu Town, Dongguan, China (Mainland) Zip: 523270, Guangdong
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Contact Person Mr. Qiaodi Jin
Establishment year 38324
Company description
Dongguan Chengxiao Clothing Co., Ltd. has years of history in garment manufacturing with its own brand name GoodLookPARIS, with head office located in Paris, France. Our main products are ladies' clothing series, with the integration of design, production and sales. The company has made remarkable achievements at a short period. The brand GoodLookPARIS is the combination of Chinese and Western culture, which originated from the world's fashion capital-Paris. Her guiding ideology is to integrate the soul of operatic art with modern civilization, to satisfy people perceptually and reasoningly in their ambition of pursuing of perfect beauty and confidence, so as to make it possible that the ladies of fashion are always in the lead of world's fashion tide. As a garment manufacturer located in  
Show more China, we are guided by the requirements of 'ISO9002 Quality Control System' in our production. Under the incessant hard work of more than 2,000 staff and members, we are fast growing with an annual production amount over 5 million pieces, and each of our products is the prime of our perfect designs and meticulous production, which would be the real and best tastes of vogue for each consumer, who would keep the brand name deeply in their minds. The products of our company, combined the newest ideas with unique designs, are well welcomed and salable in Europe and USA, and other new products are brought forth constantly, making efforts to let the products of the company be on the top of the same trade all the way. The products cover 3 major series: shirt and dress, wools, and overcoats, which contain nearly 1 thousand items, whose styles or designs are overall and new. Our principle is: faith, practicality, top credit and top quality. All people of insight who have the same ambition are welcome to join in Chengxiao for the discussion of future co-operation.
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