Company name
Baihuashan Industry Zone, Wuyi, China (Mainland) Zip: 321314, Zhejiang
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Establishment year 2003
Company description
Kangchao Group, the successor of Zhejiang Yongkang Kangli Metal Products Co, Ltd. was established in March.1995. Its registered capital is RMB 228 million with the total asset worth more than RMB 1000 million. It has managerial right for export and import privately, on passing ISO9001:2000 Quality System Authentication. We own over 5000 employees now, over 500 arrangement and technical, over 100 middle-high level engineers and economist. With 18 fellow subsidiary companies are, including China Kangchao Group, Zhejiang Yongkan Tangxian Nonferrous Metal Die-casting Factory, Chongqing Spaceflight Bashan Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Kangchao Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Haowei Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Panyu Yaqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd., Shanghai  
Show more Kangzhuang Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Kangzhuang Industrial Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Kangchao Bashan Vehicle Co. Ltd., Yongkang Solar Energy Technology. Development Center, Fujiang Kangchao Real State developing, China Hardware Science & Technology City barter center of Yongkang Zhejiang of Puzhai Guangxi etc.(over- border scientific research organization of one, New technology research developing center of one. China Kangchao Group covering an area of 2800 acres and the infrastructure investment reach up to RMB 500 million, involves in various fields such like metal products, motorcycle, electronic bicycle, setting-up and sporting appliance, common use machine, real estate, solar energy and bioengineering etc. The investment regions are distributed in Zhejjiang, Chongqing, Shanghai, GuangDong, Fujian, Jiangsu and Guangxi etc. The annual production of motor calumni circle can be more than 2,000,000 sets, parts & accessories more than 6,000,000 sets, motorcycles more than 600,000 sets, electric bicycles 100,000 sets, scooters 500,000 sets ,Our daily output is2000/pcs of electric scooters&1000pcs of gasoline scooters. And among them, products such as motor and solar energy products have been granted over 20 patents. In order to create an internationally recognized brand and identity and to promote ourselves within our own national industry, we have found that it is necessary to build a comprehensive and up-to-date enterprise structure. A structure that is disciplined and embraces new developments in technology. Furthermore, we feel that our company should become an enterprise that is multi-functional, multi-faceted, and highly efficient, covering production and sales both at home and abroad. Kangchao as a group is stepping forward into the international market. Based on highly qualified talent, technology and the pursuit of product quality, we wish to lead the market. The core philosophy of Kangchao is to be ever creative and self-disciplined, which we believe is the fountain of strength and will help us to accomplish the goals we have set ourselves. Furthermore, we will strive to put quality first and build our reputation. We invite you to put us to the test. We warmly welcome customers from home and abroad to visit or contact us for further discussions on how we can cooperate, or merely to find out more. We look forward to doing business with you.
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