Company name
Cuibei Village, Henglin Town, Wujin, Changzhou, China (Mainland) Zip: 213100, Jiangsu
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. Kunsong Chen
Establishment year 37327
Company description
Established in 2002, Changzhou Oudelong Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacture of laminate flooring. Our company is located in a very convenient position for transportation, being 20km from Changzhou and 160km from Shanghai. We are close to the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway and hence have access to the whole national road network. We have facilities occupying an area of 30,000 square meters, and eight complete laminate flooring production lines. We have an annual production capacity of 8,000,000 square meters of laminate flooring, which means we lead other manufacturers in this field. Since we were granted the export license, we have been supplying companies across the world with our flooring. The countries in which we have had most success are Turkey, the USA, Canada  
Show more and France. The feedback we have received has been very positive. In fact, some countries have signed exclusive agency agreements with us. Strict quality control is performed for every procedure from material sourcing, processing, testing to packaging. The technical performance of the flooring largely exceeds national standards, including traditional abrasion resistance, heat resisting and formaldehyde release tests. For abrasion resistance and formaldehyde release tests our products meet the relevant international standards. Our products have been certified with the certificate of "Interior Non-poisonous Decorative Materials (Green Environmental Protection)". Because of our attention to quality, excellent service and sound management, we have established ourselves as a creditable enterprise in the industry. Since the founding of the factory, our company has undergone six major reforms and reconstruction. The first of these was the building of a modern, environmentally sound, large-scale factory. Later on we created the locally well-known brands ODL. The third major event in the company's history was the setting up of an enterprise culture and the present management structure. We then went on to construct a nationwide sales network that has become considerable in scale. Establishing sound recruitment methods and training within the company to raise the quality of our workforce was the next step. Then finally, we focused on the deeper research and development of our products and the techniques and technology pertinent to their production. The result of all these is the company we are today, a company that is committed to providing our customers with top quality products and a great service. We encourage you to contact us to see how we can pursue a fruitful relationship together.
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