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No.143 Guanhe Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu Changzhou, China (Mainland)
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Company description
Changzhou comb is the famous traditional handicraft of our country, and is one of the eight hair ornaments in ancient china. It has been in vogue since the southern and northern dynasties. Till today, it has a history of more than 1500 years. There is a poem saying that there is rouge in yangzhou and flowers in suzhou, but changzhou comb is number one. It used to be royal article for long, so it enjoyed reputation of famous comb for palace. Nation is the world. For decades, changzhou comb has been awarded a good many honors at home and abroad, especially it got silver medal at panama international peace expo in 1915 and golden medal at philadelphia expo, america in 1926. Products abides by characteristics of selecting natural material, and using classical handicraft, finely selecting the  
Show more material, observing the craft, selecting materials from precious trees like boxwood, shinan wood, peachwood, rosewood etc. these are sturdy in quality and good in veins, clear and gorgeous in color and luster. Made them into combs with even and lubricate teeth, it is good for massage of hair. Adding the craft like carving, drawing, chiseling, and scorching etc, it blends practicality and enjoyment. The product is beautiful in sculpt, and it has unique craft, inheriting the traditional style, and meeting the taste and need of modern people. According to the craft, it has colored drawing series, scorching series, carving series, health care and daily use combs series, small comb key hole series, craft wood mirrors series etc. according to sculpt, it has historic celebrities, folklore, drama character, figures and customs, flying birds and swimming fishes, landscape and historic sites, lovers pair combs etc, mixing the craftwork and practicality. It is not only the necessity for daily use, but also a nice gift for loved ones.


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