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Tieshan Town, Longyan, Fujian, China
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Our factory lies in Longyan city, which covers rich bamboo and wood. We are a factory with the combination of research, production and sales of bamboo items. We have four production lines of bamboo veneer with the annual production capability of 24, 000 cubic metres; Two production lines of environmental protection strand woven bamboo with the annual production capability of 30, 000 cubic metres; One production line of bamboo decorative veneer with the annual production capability of 2, 000, 000 square metres; One production line of bamboo toothpicks with the annual production of 1000 tons; Annual 800, 000pcs/sets of bamboo slippers, bowls, chopsticks, packing containers, etc.Bamboo panel is cross-laminated construction. This makes for a very stable and durable product, that can be used  
Show more as stand alone project or laminated to a substrate.Features: The strength, hardness, intensity for Bamboo Plank are better than common wood board for its special Hi-steam pressure process, so the features of good strength, hard wearing, long living, periodical recycling use are maintained; the board can be manufactured in great mass due to its weight is slightly light in order to reduce the jointing lines to speed the construction project; the board has perfect water-proof function for its shrinking rate, expanding rate, water-absorbing rate are better than wood texture and also the board is never rusted and humidity resistant, smooth, convenient process functions are engaged. Bamboo Plank is becoming a new laurel in the construction field for special featuresFunctions: We use bamboo panel in wide fields.Construction: such as Hollow brick bamboo pallet, building moulding board.Transportation: used as carriage & ground boards for train and side plate.Packing: bamboo panel is applicable for packing container board.Bamboo strand flooring plank is strands-construction, single lamination.Strand woven bamboo process:Mixing strands of bamboo with adhesive, is manufactured using high levels of compression. With all strips oriented in the same direction, the shredded bamboo mass is thrashed and then, under extreme pressure, compressed by 75 percent to yield high-density planks. After a kiln-drying and milling process the planks are sanded and finished.Features: Combining beauty and good looks with exceptional durability, Bamboo Strand, is particularly suited for commercial environments.Functions: strand flooring is the hardest bamboo flooring on the market today., it can be used as top grade furniture or outdoor furniture, etc.Colors: Natural and carbonizedSizes: 40/2440mm-Length, 10/1220mm-Width, 15/60mm-ThicknessWe welcome custom size too.At present, we only manufacture strand woven bamboo plank, no finished bamboo flooring for the conditions. But low price pledge.Bamboo Decorative Veneer gained "Gold" metal, which is popular in China and the world. It used as the surface of the 3 ply wood or 5 ply wood to make the hardwood furniture more smooth.Our orders are custom for the designs and sizes from our customers. Meanwhile, we are looking for a partner who we like to develop new designs and production lines with.
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