Company name
101 zhuyuan road Suzhou Jiangsu 215011, China
86 - 0512 - 68013666
Contact Person
Kero Wang Sales represtantive
Establishment year
Company description
Fine Yarn Corporation was initially established in June 1999 as a privately owned joint-stock company. After years of unrelenting efforts, the company has achieved a steady growth to RMB250 million worth of total assets from the original couple of million, and distinguished itself as a spinning company specializing in the production of chips and FDY filaments below 75D, with an annual output capacity of 100,000 tons and a gross sales revenue of over RMB1 billion. Currently, it has four production bases, respectively in Suzhou New District (SND), Wujiang Shengze, Anhui Tonglin and Jiangsu Huaian, with its headquarters based in SND. In 2002, when E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, the world leader of the chemical industry, was seeking partners for its 3GT business in China, Fine Yarn  
Show more Corp. outshined among 30 potential candidates by virtue of its excellent qualities. On July 30, the company signed a cooperation agreement with DuPont, thus becoming the first DuPont 3GT licensee in China, and the 8th DuPont 3GT licensee worldwide. The company is mainly engaged in the production of micro-denier FDY polyester filaments and staples, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons and an annual sales of over RMB1 billion. The manufacturing equipment is mainly imported, e.g. spinning equipment from Teijin and Toray of Japan.Most of its products are sold to cities on the east coast, and some to the European and American markets. The products enjoy a high market reputation and goodwill, and the company has become the largest domestic supplier of micro-denier FDY polyester filaments. Main business scope: production and sale of synthetic-fiber fabrics, synthetic silk fabrics, garments, man-made fiber, textile machinery and equipment, and polyester ingredients. The main production equipment is POY, FDY, DTY, polyester and staple lines. The Fine Yarn people are resolved to pursue ever higher quality excellence, backed up by a strong ability in new product devel
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