Company name
North Industry Area, Yuanqiao Town, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Taizhou Zhejiang, 318020, China
Contact number
86 - 576 - 4892728
Website address
Contact Person
Edwin Zhang
Establishment year
Company description
TaiZhou Wangye General Gasoline engine Co.,Ltd is one of affiliate companies of Taizhou Wangye Power Co.,Ltd.. The company is locatd in a historical cultural city--Linhai City of Zhejiang Province, the Yong-Tai-Wen Expressway and the No.104 National Road are passed from the front of the factory. In the south, it is border on Huangyan--a well known township of the tangerine, and 20 kilometers away from Huangyan Airport, the flights lead to the national main cities. It is near against the No.14 Port in the east--Haimen Port, Ten thousand tons of liner ships go to the places directly, such as Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia ,etc.. The company covers an area of 8000 square meters, with a building area of 5000 square meters. The company has one group of professional and technical  
Show more personnel with high-quality, owns advanced production and checkout equipments, perfect quality certification system, specializes in the research and development of gasoline engine , generating set and water pump. At present, the gasoline engine include: 1E32F, 1E45F, 1P60F, 1P68F, 160F, 168F, 168F-1, 173F, 177F, 182F, 188F. The gasoline generator include: 0. 8GF, 1. 5GF-1, 1. 5GF-3, 2GF-3, 2. 5GF, 3GF-3, 4GF-3/4, 5GF-3/4. The gasoline engine water pump include: WB20CX and WB30CX. Our products possess a number of features including fast start, smooth operation, low exhaust and noise emission , reliable transistorized magneto ignition system and different types of PTO shafts. It meets many kinds of needs, the waste gas is discharged low, reach the European discharge standard, they are widely used in many fields, such as generating, tourism industry, fieldwork, public place of entertainment, building machinery, agriculture machinery, forest machinery and so on.
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