Company name
1, North Xingye Road, Nantou, Zhongshan Guangdong 528427, China
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Bettymasales manager
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Company description
Changhong Air Conditioner Company, with investment of USD 130 million, is the best household and business air conditioner manufacturer in Asia. Changhong manufactures a wide range of air conditioners including window-type, split-type, cabinet-type, inverter-type, VRV, cold water-type and household central-type with an annual production capacity of 4,800,000. In addition, Changhong has automatic spray-paint production lines, plate-metal processing lines, injection machines,heat exchange assembly lines, special-shaped bend pipe processing lines?automatic assembling lines, automatic transmission lines and air logistic transmission lines. Changhong Air conditioner Company owns leading pre-assembly equipments and the best R&D and quality inspection system in the world. Also, Changhong  
Show more establishes the co-labs with some famous overseas enterprises. The balanced ambient room type calorimeter lab which costs USD 700,000 is top of the world. The professional technology team leaded by doctors makes the digital inverter, eco-friendly technology, fuzzy control, intelligent technology, super low noise and healthy airflow control in the leading position. Changhong owns two producing centers respectively in Sichuan and Guangdong province. Guangdong is also regarded as the exportingcenter and firstly provides service for foreign customers specially in the field. Maintaining the competitive advantage in the domestic market, Changhong also exports its products to over 70 countries and regions, such as America, Russia, Australia, Indonesia, Europe Union, Singapore, Czech, Pakistan, Thailand, Peru and so on.It passed the certificates of UL, CE, CB,TUV, CCIB and so on. Changhong also established subsidiary companies in Australia and Indonesia, altering successfully from the products export to technology and capital's output. Subsequently, the company's global arrangement is being under the implement steadily.


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