Company name
188 Wuhou Road Qingyang District Chengdu Sichuan 610075, China
Contact number
86 - 028 - 86834852
Website address
Contact Person
ColinLi Manager
Establishment year
Company description
Set up in early 1990, Shapely Design had a joint venture with a famous Taiwanese furniture company, produced French style products such as coffee tables, cabinets, TV stands exporting to U.S. in big quantities every month. In early 1997, we were invited by the Italian Trade & Commerce Association to visit Milan & attended the famous fair in our industry. We then had an opportunity to start operating modern style furniture. From the year, our company has been focusing on development, manufacturing & marketing of modern style home furniture. Along the time, our designer has been making a lot of liason & communication with many designers from the industry both at home and overseas. Our design on product in fact has ever been influenced by the concept of concise minimalism & human orientation  
Show more introduced by the famous Bauhaus Institute from Germany in early 20 th century. We have used a lot of new materials, design concept and ideas into our products. Our designer has been specializing at functional product development and product composition. Thanks to his taste and experience to life especially for quality of life, the product has been launched with great fun & a lot life enjoying for human beings. They tend to be the user-friendly product. Shapely Design has been paying much attention to work on craftsmanship & details. Our designer has a strict requirement on every product from its design to manufacturing. We always are ready to devoting ourselves into every product and every piece of item. Through our effort into production, innovation & management, as well as the understanding of design on modern style, we try to make our customer feel they are not just using or having a product, but to enjoy the fun & a new way of life, to taste a different life style. Therefore from the beginning our product has been targeting at the medium to up market segment, we want to make our customer's life beautiful and enjoy the quality of it.


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