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Rm.211, Zhongjian building, Zhongshan Rd. Shanghai Shanghai 200063, China
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86 - 21 - 62432530
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Ming ZhangCompany description
Since 1997, Shanghai Baolong Industries, headquartered in Shanghai, has experienced tremendous growth. In that year a team of talented, well-educated young entrepreneurs with limited investment capital gave birth to their dream - a privately held company with a primary focus on the well-being of their employees and an unwavering dedication to the pursuit of business excellence. Today annual sales exceed 200 million RMB and the strong growth continues. To support this tremendous pace of growth, SBIC reinvests earnings and today has accumulated registered capital of over 50 million RMB. The SBIC group of companies is wide-ranging and includes four manufacturing facilities with over 1,500 employees, numerous corporate subsidiaries around the world and distribution teams in over 59 countries.
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SBIC's core manufactured products include Stainless Steel Exhaust Systems (Valor) and Tire Valves (TopSeal). These are currently being purchased by many of the worlds leading car manufacturers including GM, Ford, Toyota, Mazda and others. In the ongoing drive to grow, new and innovative products are being released into the market - including the new DigiTire Tire Pressure Monitoring System. As well, the company owns its own chain of Chinese automotive service stores and in the next several years, hundreds of Dragon Auto service shops will open in communities throughout China to service the rapidly expanding automobile market. Not only will this division be a consumer of SBIC products, but will also be the primary testing grounds for many of the future products the company will develop. The employees at SBIC thank the many customers around the world for their loyalty and support since 1997. We will continue to make every effort to meet your expectations. Your success is our success!Listed in categories
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