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74Luxun Roaddalian Liaoning 116001, China
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jason sales
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Company description
?Located in northeast China, Dalian Yongfeng wooden products co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of small wooden products for North & South American, European and Australian cooperation. Story: ??In 1991, a two person (David & Lily) trading company named "YouFan" has already appeared as an exporter in wooden field. In 1992, the company made a joint effort with some northeast factories and possessed its own warehouse in Dalian. Our products also increased from several items to over 20 items, and now more than 100 kinds, including ice cream sticks, round sticks (dowels), and tongue depressors, etc? later in 1994, an important step was successfully taken: we set up our own factory (AAA) in Dalian for further manufacturing, quality re-controlling and packing, in order to provide  
Show more our clients more perfect products and service. At the beginning of 2000, another factory (CCC) was set up for increasing our manufacturing capacity and expanding business. Then our company comes into a new stage. ??With the increasing output and expending business of our company, the two factories have specialized in different kinds of wooden products. The first factory AAA usually produces and pack Dowel (Rod), Dowel Pins, Buttons, Plug, Shaker Peg, Knob, Spindle and Ball, ect... in many sizes and styles for furniture fittings. And also make coloring and packing Craft Sticks. The other factory, CCC, manufactures the wooden products for food use or medical use and some products, such as Corn Dog Sticks, Ice Cream Sticks (Popsicle Sticks), Ice Cream Spoon, Tongue Depressors, Cervical Scraper, Applicator, Manicure Sticks and so on. The mainly process is routing the sticks' edge, Hot stamping or ink printing on the sticks, polishing, selecting & packing. We also bought some auto equipment (auto-sorting machine) made in Denmark to ensure the size of sticks to be suitable for high speeding machine of customer?s. ?
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