Company name
baigang Fushan Guangdong 528200, China
Contact number
86 - 0757 - 85123263
Website address
Contact Person huang jingjing merchandiser
Establishment year 2005
Company description
Kaile.founded in 1988, is a large private enterprise known with the great commercial honor and its rich capital, perfect equipments ,advanced techniques as well as the standard management system. Based on the research and production of the plastics materials, Kaile is engaged in electronic products fitting and specialized in developing and producing products such as Keyboard etc. Now, it has more than 500 employess, in which , 12% of them are senior technicians or experienced technicians. Kaile has several departments including product development department, plzstics production deparment, plastics shaping department and electronic product department etc., imports more than one hundred advanced machines including, flow machine , cut-off grain machine and shaping machine and so on , and  
Show more also builds new automatic electronic products fitting line. Kaile attaches im portance to the product quality and builds a scientific and strict quality standards for the procedures of purchase,development,production sales and customer services etc.It has set up the ISO 9001Quality Assurance System in the company and founded a modern management system as well as the human resource promotion system ,and also concentrates on enhancing the integrative ability and good quality consciousness of each employee. The full execution of these mechanisms has greatly improved the working efficiency.Working hand-in-hand with the industry and keeping the innovation spirit of the company make the customer serice of Kaile have the following features:rich supply,quality assurance and punctual delivery,which enables Kaile to win the most favor of the customers and retailers and establish a long-term and strong cooperation relationship with dozens of enterprises.


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