Canton Beitun Aletai region first mineral processing plants - China
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Canton Beitun Aletai region first mineral processing plants
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Altay region Yongquan Street 836000, China
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Company description
The quality of black tourmaline is best in China, at also is rare in the world, and the ore of tourmaline contain to measure 99% above, specific weight 2.98--3.20, degree of hardness 7-7.5, chemistry composition complicacy, chemistry type is: NaR3Al6[Si6O18][BO3]3(OH,F)4, contain the iron to measure many for black, contain the li, Mn, Cs tomeasure many for the rose or navy blue, contain the mg to measure many for brown or yellow, contain the cr to measure many for deep green, glass iuster, translucent to transparent, the color and iuster is transparent can be used as the precious stone, and call BIXI in China, because of the hot electricity for having of this kind of mineral but call the tourmaline. The tourmaline S traditional use is mainly as below: Electronics industry, voice
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electricity material, electromagnetic wave protection instrument, grind the material, porcelain, standard the instrument with the industry dollar on the quipments piece, national defense, aviation, cigarette, car, toothpaste, marine products, keep the flower, air condition, medical treatment the health care, food, cosmetics, coating, and varnish, spin and weave, make the shoe industry, jewelry, cellular phone to hang an etc. Profession. The tourmaline of single crystal in Xinjiang can produce negative leave the son, and shoot the far infrared ray, and absorb the electromagnetic wave, conduct electricity anti-electrostatic.Listed in categories
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