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Moganshan Rd., No.501, 9/F Hangzhou Zhejiang 310005, China
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DavidWangEstablishment year
1992E-mail address
Company description
Holley International Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Holley Group, an watt-hour meter and Gas/water meter Manufacturer, which has 6000 employees enrolled with an annual production ability of 15 million meters, 40% of them are sold on overseas markets. Headquartered in Hangzhou, China, this company has been involved in International meter supplying and tender participation for around 15 years, specializes in the fields of international trade and overseas investment with metrological instruments, low voltage electric products, medical and health care products, chemical products, etc. as its dominant import and export business. The total sales value of the company in 2003 has reached USD85 million. In 2001, our company set up Holley Group Electric Co., Ltd in Thailand with the investment of USD1
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million. In 2003, our company established a company in Nigeria, and the company invest in Argentina together with the local company IATE a corportation named Holley Energy S.A. In 2004, Changjiang Co., Ltd, another branch in Thailand was founded. In the future, the company will continue to implement Holley's strategy of internationalization and make efforts to become one of the world's top trading companies with international competitiveness.Listed in categories
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