The first pharmaceutical factory in Shijiazhuang City - China
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The first pharmaceutical factory in Shijiazhuang City
Zhongshan Road in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, No. 68 50015, China
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Company description
The plant is a director responsible for the implementation of the system of the whole people enterprises, is the production of 38 key pharmaceutical companies. Advanced test facilities and sophisticated analytical instruments. Years successfully developed products won eight National Conference on Science and the provincial science and technology achievement awards. main products are Keke Aloperine, Vc more than 20 kinds of raw materials such as medicine and injections, tablets, capsules, such as more than 200 kinds of medicines. products exported to the United States, Britain, Japan, Denmark, India, Hong Kong, etc. 21 countries and regions. major pharmaceutical raw materials exports account for more than 85/100, the total output.
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