Nanyang area Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. - China
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Nanyang area Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Nanyang City in Henan Zhongyuan southern section 473036, China
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Company description
The company is in Nanyang City, and China Pharmaceutical Trade Import and Export Corporation and the joint venture construction of the main raw materials to produce antibiotics enterprises. The company has an annual output of 120 tons of raw material a drug production line and an annual 50 million capsules production line, plant Design, equipment inStallation, production processes comply with the GMP standards, the company well-equipped, advanced detection means perfect, strong technical force, the State Council in 1993 was named the China 500 largest industrial enterprises in medicine. companies invest in the construction of an annual output of 300 tons of sodium cephalosporin C Salt projects, the construction of a joint venture producing 200 tons of 7 - the ACA, the two projects to fill a blank in China and substantial benefits.
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