Beijing tricyclic wool knitting Group - China
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Beijing tricyclic wool knitting Group
Beijing Dongcheng District Beiheyan Street song wish hospital on the 13th Avenue North 100009, China
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Company description
The company is a core layer from 10 enterprises, three restaurants, two shopping malls and an office component, the companys close of the stock is owned by companies or joint ventures established by the 10 domestic and overseas enterprises; the loose layer throughout the country processing company in collaboration with the Technical Advisory relations or more than 100 enterprises. A unified planning and sales revenue, the unified accounting, unified tax, loan funds EC Commission also, EC negative profit and loss. Production tops 3,500 tons, 4,000 tons wool yarn, wool underwear 3.5 million (sets). 70/100 in each of the above exported to Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America and more than 30 countries and regions. 1992 is the 500 one of the largest industrial enterprises.
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