Company name
5F, 2# Factory, NO.189, Lian Yueh Rd. xiamen fujian 361012, China
Contact number
86 - 592 - 5158912
Website address
Contact Person
stephen pan manager
Establishment year
Company description
Xiamen bentonite International Corporation, located at Xaimen special economic zone, which is a beautiful city with convenient transport. It's not only one of the vital communication lines of the west Pacific Ocean, but also the famous sea port and air harbor in the world, which can provide a good transportation for our company. Xiamen bentonite International Corporation is one of China's largest manufacturers and exporter of activated bleaching earth in terms of export scales and technological resources and experiences. We are specialized in exporting activated bleaching earth and other mineral products, chemical items as well, such as Bentonite, Pet Litter (Cat Sand), Activated Carbon, Kaolin Clay, Arsenic Metal, etc with a prolonged history since we entered into this lines. Our  
Show more products enjoy a high reputation in foreign market, covering a wide range of countries, such as USA, Bangladesh, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, India, Philippine, Thailand, etc. Therefore, all kinds of our products are good sellers and worth commendation for our excellent quality and favorable prices. We are not only an Import & Export Company, but also a shareholder of Jiangxi Leping Bleaching Earth Factory. As far as the human resource is concerned, we are enriched by highly skilled manpower including technician and professional salesman having an ample experience in this industry. In the mean time, in order to expand our business scope, we have already founded permanent division office in other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, and have extensive business relationships with many domestic and international companies and enterprises. We are devoted to providing high-quality products and services to meet our customers' various and changing demands based on our companies principle " mutual benefit, fair business and obey contract strictly".
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