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C.F/22 Floor, COSCO Building, No.268 lujiang Road Xiamen Fujian 3610001, China
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86 - 592 - 2393711
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Bonny Zhong ManagerEstablishment year
2002Company description
WellAV Technologies Ltd is an electronics company specializing in development,manufacturing and distributingAudio/Video products such as Digital Television Receivers (Terrestrial, Cable, Satellite, UMDS), Car Audio/Video Products, Analog Scrambler/Decoder System, Digital Headend Equipments, and Portable DVD Players. We are certified both as high-tech company by Ministry of Technology of China and as software company by Ministry of Information Industry of China. Since 1990, WellAV's engineers have worked together focusing on the development of advanced AV products. They developed the first home satellite receiver in China, and they developed and implemented the first commercial television scrambler/decoder system in China. Currently WellAV possesses 15,000 sq feet office space and 100,000
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sq feet factory facility. We have been accredited by ISO9000, FCC, CE, UL, CCC and other accreditation organizations. WellAV has a strong research and management team. Our research engineers and management team members come from top universities in China, and many of them have overseas studying or working experiences. As of June 2005, WellAV have approximately 300 employees, among them over 80 are research and development engineers.With strong product development and manufacturing capability, WellAV is dedicated to provide customers and distributors highly competitive products and superior services. Hundreds of thousands of people in China, ASEAN, India, Middle East, Europe, North America and South America are enjoying our products.Listed in categories
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