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Company name
Longhua, Shenzhen Guangdong 518100, China
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Alan Pan
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Company description
Talentt Production Enterprise Ltd. is a comprehensive manufacturer and exporter of different kinds gifts and premiums products, Consumer Electric products located in Shenzhen China, a city near Hongkong. Our products include (1). Chemical glowing products (glow-in-dark) ,such as glow Bracelets and necklaces, glow sticks and light sticks, glow novelties, glow badge, glow fishing floats, glow earring and finger ring etc. glowing sticks,(2) RC Toys. (3) MP3 players.(4).Stationary (5)Novelties.(6) Gifts As an enterprise, with more than 8 years of experience of overseas marketing, we fully understand the product quality and service are of extremely important. For products we have the commitment for the quality. We are confident we can provide a professional service, we hope and plan to  
Show more establish a long lasting relationship with our customers rather than a ?one time business?. We hope to acquire this by best prices, good quality and on time delivery. For our profession in the overseas marketing, we are now purchase agent for 3 European companies, provide products they want from China we are also export agent for many Chinese factories, to introduce their products to the overseas market. We appreciate the support and cooperation from our regular customers and hope more and more new friends come to join us. DISTRIBUTORS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND CITIES WANTED
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