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No.98, Tian'An Road, North Industrial District, Jimei Xiamen Fujian 361021, China
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1990Company description
The Queen Lines (Xiamen) Camera Company is a Taiwanese-invested professional manufacturer and specializing in exporting a variety of cameras through the world. Such as DV, DSC, automatic, manual as well as gift camera. Everyone of Queen Lines not only has a target those providing outstanding, creative work, first-class quality products, honest sales, but also responsible service for our consumers to enjoy imaging. With the continuous support from esteemed global clients, Queen Lines grew up stably and healthily since its foundation in 1990, around 1,300 employees, 18 production lines. The company is primarily an integrated manufacturer of manual/motorized camera. From the year of 2000, we began to develop on digital still camera and digital camcorder. With to innovation and persevering
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faith, we can supply over 20 items in DV and DSC to our customers. In the business field, Queen Lines has done the best to create the long-term solution, open trust, and lasting relationship with customers. We are pleased to see our products displayed and sale in Walter Bors. Disney. Coco Cola. Barbie. The Queen Lines Company helps customers achieve their primary business objective with the effort from our excellent R&D, mould, Injection, Painting, Assembly, Packing, Quality Control and Shipping Depts. We understand the eternal successful modern company in counting not only pushing product and price with customers but also about the strategic barriers of vendors and employees. The Queen Lines Company is eager to reward those who choose us, who trust us, and who grow with us.Listed in categories
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