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Room 1101, Liu Xian Building, Xi Li, Shenzhen Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, China
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Daniel WuManagerEstablishment year
1991Company description
KBS International LTD. is one of the leading zipper manufacturers and exporters in Hong Kong and China. We specialize in high quality Nylon, Plastic and Metal Zippers. Our zippers have been very well accepted in the past 20 years in European, North America, South America and Middle East markets. We offer zippers and pullers to many famous brand, such as Adidas, Delsey, Samsonite, ELLE, Guess, Pierre Cardin, Crown, MDC, Crocodile, INTER SPORT, etc.. Equipped with the latest technology from Europe, America and Taiwan. We are ISO9001 certified and our products have passed SGS and Okeo-Tex Standard 100 tests. Our highly trained work team ensures the highest level of quality control at every stage of production. Products are vigorously tested at each step to ensure that they meet the demands
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of all our clients, whether they are local or international buyers. Additionally, products are guaranteed to meet our clients' specific requirements. We assure you that KBS Zipper will impress you by supplying the higher quality with competitive price and best services.Listed in categories
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