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Zhangzhen Industry New District Shangyu Shaoxing Zhejiang 312363, China
Contact number
86 - 0575 - 2096153
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Contact Person Emily Guo
Establishment year 1986
Company description
We, HuangHai Machinery and Facility Plant specializing in the machinery and technology for PET bottles recycling process. Why recycling pet bottles? Pet flake could be used to make polyester stable fiber, the fiber could be used to make polyester yarn and as filler for furniture toy industry. So pet bottles has a very wide use in the textile industry. Recycling pet bottles not only means could better protect environment, but also could create good profit. How to recycle pet bottles? Pet bottles mainly come from cokemineral water bottles and some juice bottles. We need to separate pet bottles by colors. Usually we mix blue/white together, produce green separately. As for other colors, just mix it. We need to crush bottles first, then wash it with hot water and cold water, finally dry the
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flake to get what we need---washed clean pet bottle flake. Crush-- Wash(hot water)-- Wash(cold water)-- Wash(cold water)-- dry-- packingListed in categories
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