Wei Chun Textile Dyeing and Finishing Co. Ltd. Jiangsu - China
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Wei Chun Textile Dyeing and Finishing Co. Ltd. Jiangsu
Suzhou, Taiwan, South Africa, Botswana215128, China
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Wang BotangE-mail address
Company description
The company mainly produces fancy yarn and yarn dyeing business. Specifically: tape yarn, feather yarn, Lili yarn, Loop yarn, chenille, heavy twist yarn, mohair, brush yarn, Iceland hair, Tatu yarn. Dyeing business includes: segment dye, general spray dye vat, vertical cylinder twisted dye, high temperature and pressure dyeing. In addition to undertake cheese stereotypes, down twisting, inverted cylinder and can be outward processing. South Africa's main production subsidiary beach pants and underwear manufacturing, and a sweater and garment business. The main sales markets are: the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and the Middle East, South America, Australia and other places around the world on five continents.
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